Kurzbiographie unserer Referentin Nanna Floor Clausen
Heute stellen wir Euch unsere Referentin Nanna Floor Clausen vor. Sie wird auf der Tagung “Offene Archive 2.1” in Stuttgart zum Thema “Danish experience with crowdsourcing: the Danish Demographic Database” referieren.
Nanna Floor Clausen
1980 MA in History and Russian Language
1986 Information technologist
1986 User consultant at Fyns Telefon (TDC)
1996 IT-archivist at the Danish Data Archive
At DDA I am project manager for the Danish Demographic Database (DDD) and the source entry project.
I work with database design and database queries; I maintain the core administrative applications for our data materials at DDA as a developer.
I am responsible for and developer of the static and dynamic websites for the DDD which allows the users to query databases and follow the project.
I have been the representative for DDA in the EU-projects in which DDA has been involved. I participate in international projects and co-operation on historical, demographic data. I represent DDA in the Data Documentation Initiative.
I do some research and presentation of this at relevant conferences.
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Elisabeth Steiger (31. März 2014). Kurzbiographie unserer Referentin Nanna Floor Clausen. Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 8. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/cjyz
Eine Antwort
[…] das beherrschende Thema unseres zweiten Tages, mit beachtlichen Ergebnissen auch aus Dänemark (Nanna Floor Clausen) und der Schweiz (Nicole Graf). „Think, think, think Images“ war hier der Appell von Neil […]