Abstract 7: Jochen Vermote – Das Stadsarchief Ieper im Web 2.0 (mit einem Überblick zur Situation in Belgien)
The City of Ypres Archive has come a long way. Originally, a hidden gem in the centre of Ypres to which only genealogists could find the way. The move to a new location made the archive more visible to the citizens of Ypres. At the same time the City Archive started to promote the archive outside the walls of the building through creating a community. Social media played an important part in this (digital) outreach to a whole new type of public.
We will give an overview of the experiences of Ypres with social media and the social media landscape in Belgian archives.
About the speaker:
Jochen Vermote
Jochen Vermote (°1984) works for the City of Ypres Archive where he is responsible for the (digital) information and records management of the City administration and the Public Centre for Social Welfare. Furthermore he coordinates the digitization and imaging of the City’s historical records. Jochen Vermote formerly worked for the State Archives, focusing on archive management in a collection management system.
He teaches a course in Marketing and Audiences for Archives at VSPW-institute in Ghent.
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Elisabeth Steiger (22. August 2012). Abstract 7: Jochen Vermote – Das Stadsarchief Ieper im Web 2.0 (mit einem Überblick zur Situation in Belgien). Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 16. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/cjub
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