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#AskAnArchivist, 30.10. 2014

Die Society of American Archivists veranstaltet heute einen Twitter-Aktionstag für Archive unter dem Hashtag #AskAnArchivist. Link mit weiteren Infos.


It’s an opportunity to:

  • Break down the barriers that make archivists seem inaccessible.
  • Talk directly to the public — via Twitter — about what you do, why it’s important and, of course, the interesting records with which you work.
  • Join with archivists around the country and the world to make an impact on the public’s understanding of archives while celebrating American Archives Month!
  • Interact with users, supporters, and prospective supporters about the value of archives.
  • Hear directly from the public about what they’re most interested in learning about from archives and archivists. 


On October 30, archivists around the country will take to Twitter to respond to questions tweeted with the hashtag #AskAnArchivist. Take this opportunity to engage via your personal and/or institutional Twitter accounts and to respond to questions posed directly to you or more generally to all participants.

Questions will vary widely, from the silly (What do archivists talk about around the water cooler?) to the practical (What should I do to be sure that my e-mails won’t get lost?), but each question will be an opportunity to share more about our work and our profession with the public.

Joachim Kemper

Wiss. Archivar (Stadt- und Stiftsarchiv Aschaffenburg), Historiker

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Joachim Kemper (30. Oktober 2014). #AskAnArchivist, 30.10. 2014. Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 19. September 2024 von

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