Crowdsourcing für die Grundsteinlegung im estnischen Nationalarchiv
Ein aktueller Aufruf des estnischen Nationalarchivs, sich am Grundstein für das neue Hauptgebäude in Tartu zu beteiligen: die Nutzer sollen in Form eines “Crowdsourcings” beteiligt werden.
The National Archives of Estonia has the pleasure to announce the cornerstone placing event of our new main building in Tartu, Estonia. The event will take place on April 15 this year, the construction will be finished in spring 2016, and the archives will be opened for the public in early 2017. It is common to place some reflection of nowadays into the cornerstone but we do it otherwise. We will create a record by crowdsourcing asking everyone send a wish to the people living in Estonia one hundred years afore, in 2115. Everyone can do it in a likeable language using a keyword #arhiiv2115 in Twitter or by sending us an e-mail: […]. Crowdsourcing is an outstanding way to support the idea of modern archives – we ask our users to be a part of the functions of the archives. We believe in the future-archives there everyone can help us to describe and index the sources. We are inspired by the idea of crowdsourcing to create a better access to the archives.
(Mail: Birgit Kibal).
Direktlink (estnisch).
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Joachim Kemper (7. April 2015). Crowdsourcing für die Grundsteinlegung im estnischen Nationalarchiv. Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 8. Februar 2025 von
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