Opening Collections with Digital Services and Social Media (Laurence Ward) – Vorschau: Offene Archive 2.2 (4)
Laurence Ward (Principal Archivist, London Metropolitan Archives (LMA), GB)
Opening Collections with Digital Services and Social Media
This paper will explore the implementation of digital systems and processes at London Metropolitan Archives (LMA) the second largest public archive in the UK; including adoption and development of social media and projects such as the creation of bespoke software to recover information from severely damaged documents. Reviewing work in progress and areas with potential for development, we will consider engagement through social media and how these platforms and other digital services are opening our collections.
Short biography:
Laurence Ward, Principal Archivist, London Metropolitan Archives (LMA).
I am the service manager responsible for our imaging and media, graphic collections and records management teams. The responsibilities within these groups include our websites, online systems, social media, image and film collections, commercial licensing, collections digitization, exhibitions, promotion, official collections and digital preservation. Away from LMA, I am a member of the London’s Screen Archives Steering Group and an ICA bureau secretary.
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Elisabeth Steiger (23. September 2015). Opening Collections with Digital Services and Social Media (Laurence Ward) – Vorschau: Offene Archive 2.2 (4). Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 13. Oktober 2024 von
3 Antworten
[…] „Offene Archive 2.2“ am 3./4.12.2015 in Siegen (4): Opening collections with digital services and social media. Lawrence Ward, Principal Archivist am London Metropolitan Archives, wird die Öffnung der […]
[…] verstanden werden. Anhand von Beispielen aus dem Ausland wurde gezeigt, was möglich sein kann. Laurence Ward vom Metropolitain Archives London präsentierte in seinem Vortrag die Aktivitäten seines Archivs im Bereich Web 2.0 und Social […]
[…] Die Folien des Vortrags sowie ein Videomitschnitt sind online (zum Abstract). […]