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Neu: London Picture Map (London Metropolitan Archives)

We’re delighted to announce the relaunch of the Collage website which presents a fascinating glimpse of nearly 600 years of life in the capital. Among the new features of the site, The London Picture Map provides a unique way to access images of buildings and places which no longer exist, presenting a searchable vision of a lost London which allows visitors to view pictures of their neighbourhood from bygone days.

The London Picture Map allows you to browse our collections geographically and it’s a great way to discover images of a particular street or building. Many of the images which we have placed on the map are of buildings that no longer exist, giving you an intriguing view of ‘Lost London’. Please note that while we regularly add new images to the map, to ensure that the map is not overwhelmed with our images, only a small proportion are available to view in this way. If you don’t find what you’re looking for on the map, please use the Search or Advanced Search features.

Joachim Kemper

Wiss. Archivar (Stadt- und Stiftsarchiv Aschaffenburg), Historiker

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Joachim Kemper (27. Juli 2016). Neu: London Picture Map (London Metropolitan Archives). Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 8. Februar 2025 von

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