#archivestourism on International Archives Day 2017 (9. Juni)
Via AskArchivists
International Archives Day 2017 #IAD17 is coming up! Like every year Follow An Archive and Ask Archivists organize a celebration event on Twitter on June 9.
With the celebration event we join the June 9 theme ‘Archives, Citizenship and Interculturalism’ of the International Council on Archives (ICA).
The theme of the annual Twitter event will be: #archivestourism. It’s about tourism in archives.
Archives and tourism
Tourism makes a great match with the ICA theme ‘Archives, Citizenship and Interculturalism’!
Tourism also perfectly matches the 2017 theme of the United Nations: ‘International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development’, #IY2017.
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Joachim Kemper (8. Mai 2017). #archivestourism on International Archives Day 2017 (9. Juni). Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 16. Februar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/ck9x
Das Blog siwiarchiv nimmt am Twitter-Event zum Internationalen Archivtag teil: http://www.siwiarchiv.de/?p=14935 .