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VeleHanden: the crowd as a valuable source (Nelleke van Zeeland) – VORSCHAU: OFFENE ARCHIVE 2.3 (2)

Nelleke van Zeeland
VeleHanden: the crowd as a valuable source

The online platform (literally: Many Hands) was initiated in 2011. Originally, it was a new way of indexing scans of registers. Millions of names, addresses and dates were transcribed by thousands of online volunteers. All these written data are now findable in a ‘Google’ way. Because VeleHanden was such a success, we could develop new types of projects and fortunately the crowd remained enthusiastic. Nelleke van Zeeland (Amsterdam City Archives) will take you along this development of VeleHanden. What is the key to success with online volunteers? What are the dos and don’ts? How do we connect with our crowd?

Kurzbiographie Nelleke van Zeeland

Nelleke van Zeeland (1983) works at the Amsterdam City Archives as project leader digitization and crowdsourcing since 2010. She was concerned with VeleHanden from the start. Over the past years she has developed new types of crowdsourcing projects, like image selection, photo tagging andgeoreferencing. Next to crowdsourcing, she works on all kinds of digitization projects and the general digital services of the Amsterdam City Archives.


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Elisabeth Steiger

Elisabeth Steiger hat Germanistik und Europäische Ethnologie/Volkskunde an der Universität Würzburg studiert und arbeitet neben ihrer hauptberuflichen Tätigkeit in der freien Wirtschaft als Ehrenamtliche für ICARUS – International Centre for Archival Research.

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Elisabeth Steiger (15. Mai 2017). VeleHanden: the crowd as a valuable source (Nelleke van Zeeland) – VORSCHAU: OFFENE ARCHIVE 2.3 (2). Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 7. Februar 2025 von

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