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Online services at the Gelders Archief (Online-Nutzerkontakt beim Gelders Archief) (Ilse Nagelkerke) – VORSCHAU: OFFENE ARCHIVE 2.3 (4)

Ilse Nagelkerke, MA 
Online services at the Gelders Archief (Online-Nutzerkontakt beim Gelders Archief)

In 2016 the Gelders Archief launched a new website. It is a site build on top tasks, the most wanted services for users are available on the homepage. Online services and usability are the backbone of the site. During the last years an increasing amount of time of our employees goes to helping our customers online on our website and via social media and not in the reading room. The users get the information they need, without visiting our reading room or calling us for basic information.

An important part of the virtual reading room (the website) is the chat service and the forum Mijn Studiezaal (My Reading Room). It is a way to get in touch with a reading room employee for extra help if necessary. A very new service we are providing is scan-on-demand, it plays an increasing big role in our online services. For some customers it is a crucial way of consulting the documents at all. Before a visit to our reading room in Arnhem was necessary, but now they can conduct their research at home.

All these online and social media services play an important part in realizing our mission: to optimise the accessibility of our collection, to contribute to a transparent government and to spread the knowledge of the history of Gelderland. People who would have never contacted the Gelders Archief are getting the chance to ask questions and consult documents.

Kurzbiographie Ilse Nagelkerke

“I have been manager Publiek (manager public affairs) at the Gelders Archief for five years now. Before that I was a reading room advisor at the Gelders Archief and the Regionaal Archief Nijmegen. I studied history at the Radboud University Nijmegen and Archival Science at the University of Amsterdam. I am also a member of the congress committee of the KVAN, the royal association of archivists in the Nederlands.”

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Elisabeth Steiger

Elisabeth Steiger hat Germanistik und Europäische Ethnologie/Volkskunde an der Universität Würzburg studiert und arbeitet neben ihrer hauptberuflichen Tätigkeit in der freien Wirtschaft als Ehrenamtliche für ICARUS – International Centre for Archival Research.

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Elisabeth Steiger (22. Mai 2017). Online services at the Gelders Archief (Online-Nutzerkontakt beim Gelders Archief) (Ilse Nagelkerke) – VORSCHAU: OFFENE ARCHIVE 2.3 (4). Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 8. Februar 2025 von

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2 Antworten

  1. Klaus Graf sagt:

    Auch wenn es nur eine Vorschau ist, finde ich es schlimm, dass die Website nicht verlinkt wurde, um die es geht.

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