“Drei Fragen an…” Liam Wyatt – Vorschau Offene Archive 2.3 (16)
Frage 1:
Classifications are familiar to all archivists: How would you describe yourself in three creative hashtags?
Liam Wyatt:
#PeaceLove&Metadata #GLAMWiki #AustraliaEurope
Frage 2:
Archivists belong to a rare species often associated with a life of windowless stack-rooms and complex access rights: How do you perceive the contact to archives, what do you enjoy, what bothers you?
Liam Wyatt:
My perception of contact with reference desk enquiries at archives is in two different forms…
1. If I make a request through the official system: I must register an account; provide ID, location and contact details; explain my question; explain any related research I’ve done on the topic; justify why my question is worthy; submit my enquiry; receive an auto-reply with a queue number; wait; receive a response email through a ticket-request system software that doesn’t answer my question but asks several more; repeat twice; get answer.
2. If I ask through social media: Ask question; receive answer
We currently find ourselves in the biggest media revolution since the invention of the printing press: If you could make a wish for archives in the digital world, what would it be?
My inner intellectual-property geek would like to see the copyright system we currently have replaced by the model that is used for Plant Variety Protections – also known as Plant Breeders Rights.
1. any non-commercial usage of protected varieties is not an infringing use;
2. registering for protection of a new plant variety based on versions of other peoples’ protected plant varieties (a derivative work) does not require a license from those people;
3. the rights are not conferred automatically but by registration by sending a physical specimen to the registration office;
4. the trigger date for the start of the protected period of time is not the first publication but the first commercialisation; and,
5. the operation of the system are harmonised to one worldwide system – not different and contradictory national system.
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Elisabeth Steiger (16. Juni 2017). “Drei Fragen an…” Liam Wyatt – Vorschau Offene Archive 2.3 (16). Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 13. Oktober 2024 von https://doi.org/10.58079/ckb9
zu Frage 2: Polemik.
Der “offizielle” Weg der Anfragen bei (deutschen) Archiven ist heute: Anfrage per E-Mail ans Archiv, Antwort per E-Mail an den Anfragenden. Ob die Antwort schnell und qualifiziert erfolgt, hängt nicht vom Informationskanal ab.