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Neuerscheinung: Participatory Archives. Theory and practice (2019)

Leider nicht sehr günstig ist diese frische Neuerscheinung (September 2019) , aber für jede Archiv(Amts-,-))-Bibliothek ein Muss.

Zum Inhalt (Inhaltsverzeichnis: :

The rise of digitisation and social media over the past decade has fostered the rise of participatory and DIY digital culture. Likewise, the archival community has leveraged these new technologies, aiming to engage users and expand access to collections. This book examines the creation and development of participatory archives, evaluates its impact on archival theory, and presents case studies of its real world application.
Participatory Archives: Theory and practice is divided into four sections, with each focused on a particular aspect of participatory archives:
• social tagging and commenting
• transcription
• crowdfunding and
• outreach & activist communities.
Each section includes chapters summarising the existing literature, a discussion of theoretical challenges and benefits, and a series of case studies. The case studies are written by a range of international practitioners and provide a wide range of examples in practice, whilst the remaining chapters are supplied by leading scholars from Australia, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States.
This book will prove to be a valuable resource for students on archival studies programmes, scholarly researchers in archival studies who could use the book to frame their own research projects, and practitioners who might be most interested in the case studies to see how participatory archives function in practice. The book may also be of interest to other library and information science students, and similar audiences within the broader cultural heritage institution fields of museums, libraries and galleries.
Edward Benoit, III PhD is Assistant Professor and Russell B. Long Professor at the School of Library & Information Science at Louisiana State University. He is the coordinator of the archival studies and cultural heritage resource management programmes, and the founder of the Virtual Footlocker Project, which examines the personal archiving habits of the 21st century soldier, in an effort to develop new digital capture and preservation technologies to support their needs.
Alexandra Eveleigh PhD is Collections Information Manager at Wellcome Collection in London, where her role complements her research interests in user experiences and digital technologies in library, archive and museum contexts. From 2014 to 2016 she held academic positions in information studies and digital humanities at University College London (UCL) and the University of Westminster respectively, following her PhD thesis at UCL, in collaboration with The National Archives entitled ‘Crowding Out the Archivist? Implications of online user participation for archival theory and practice’ (2015).

Joachim Kemper

Wiss. Archivar (Stadt- und Stiftsarchiv Aschaffenburg), Historiker

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Joachim Kemper (27. September 2019). Neuerscheinung: Participatory Archives. Theory and practice (2019). Archive 2.0. Abgerufen am 7. Februar 2025 von

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Eine Antwort

  1. Odendahl sagt:

    Vielen Dank für den Hinweis! Insbesondere für Kapitel 5 „(Hash)tagging with the users: participatory collection of digital social photography in museums and archives“ werde ich mir die Publikation direkt nächste Woche in der Bibliothek der Archivschule ausleihen. 🙂

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